Some creatures I drew over the last couple of days. I might take one ore two of those and create finished concepts from them for the Double Happy Creature Design Contest at
Some creatures I drew over the last couple of days. I might take one ore two of those and create finished concepts from them for the Double Happy Creature Design Contest at
There is a contest running at Polycount, sponsored by Vigil Games, to create a weapon for Darksiders 2. The contestants have to create a heavy weapon, either an axe, a mace or a hammmer (or one of each) and the winning weapon in each category will be put into the game. Obviously I couldn’t resist.
So here is the current state of my mace:
Still needs some color, probably on the three bare areas on the shaft, but I have no idea (yet).
I first wanted to create an angelic axe, but my creation didn’t really fit the style of the game, so I aborted it.
After countless tries I finally managed to create something that approaches presentability. This is still just a Photoshop mockup, but it demonstrates where I am trying to go.
I will add a little box to the bottom right for the turn counter and then think about adding a minimap somewhere at the top right (maybe move the sidebar down to have more space). The energy bar at the left side will get evenly spaced segments (that disappear one by one when hit) or a big one (that just shrinks). I prefer the first option. Also I might make it smaller. The color of the outline is the same as the player character’s outline, but I might change them both.
The hexagons at the bottom and the right will get little icons for the different weapons and items, with the other weapons resp. item count in the small boxes below.
I would show you my failed attempts but thankfully, I mean regrettably, I don’t have anything besides pencil sketches and my memories of these tragedies.
Here is a 3ds Max Viewport Grab of the robot with basic textures and DirectX shaders. Details will be added later. As you can see I have some problems with the display of Alphas; they hide the geometry behind them, but somehow only at some places (they don’t hide the feet, but the toes, the legs are hidden by the upper part of the central beam). I don’t really know what causes this. Haven’t found a pattern yet.
Here’s a little animated GIF with the three spaceship models from the previous sketches. Textures will follow.
Their designations from left to right: Ninja, Pirate, Cyborg.